Friday, January 8, 2021

Top 10 Powerful Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss


Top 10 Powerful Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss

Top 10 Powerful Fat Burning Best Foods are not only Helps in Weight loss But also Helps to get Important Nutrients mainly Multi-Vitamines and Minerals and Helps to improve Fitness and Body Shape Naturally.

Balance Diet are the Key to Loose weight (Extra Fat) Naturally and we can use it in our Daily Routine Breakfast and Meals. Here we Update those foods that are available easily, Easy to follow and also Cost-effective Diet.

Mostly we Hear from our nearby people Mostly relative that This foods not to eat and avoiding foods (Fasting) is not the solution of Weight loss Program, Fasting will make you your Body weak (Lower Stamina) and Loose weight only for Temporarily, we can't Fasting for Life long so we Suggest few Best Foods we can easily add in our Diet / Breakfast on Daily basis and Make our Body strong enough (Improve Stamina) get all nutrients equally and also same time we Loose Extra Body Fat.


Top 10 Fat Burning Foods

Balance Diet Means we have all nutrients eat equally nor more or less, eg. Extra fat may leads Obesity and related Life style Disease. So we can Lower Foods That Have High Fat and increase Foods That Low Fat and but have other nutrients enough, this will improve our body more in shape and also improve stamina.If You want eat Balance diet , your dish must have varieties of Foods with Different colours mainly salads and Fruit.

List of 10 Best Fat Burning Foods for Obesity are as per follows : 

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

  1. Water
  2. Salads
  3. Fruit
  4. Beans and Legumes
  5. Soups
  6. Grapefruit
  7. Coconut Water
  8. Pumpkin
  9. Green Peas
  10. Blueberries / Raspberries
1. Water :

Water is a Zero Calories Diet with low in a minerals and Most natural fat burning foods.  Everyone should Keeping hydrated is very important for health and well-being, but many people do not take enough water each day. Normal human body requires 3 to 4 litres everyday. In summer we can increase water and winter we can lower water consumption accordingly. Body require water at regular interval to function properly, all the cells and organs of the body need water.

Benefits of Water :
  • Crucial role in weight loss
  • Water affects energy levels and brain function.
  • Helps improve physical performance
  • May help treat kidney stones
  • May help prevent and treat headaches
  • It may help reduce the risk of bladder infections
  • Improves Skin Complexion
  • Maintain Blood Pressure mainly low Blood pressure
  • May help relieve constipation
  • It flushes body waste

2. Salads :             
Importance of Salads

Salads are High in Fiber and more in multi-vitamines, High Fibre diet are crucial for Proper weight loss program. Among Foods groups, Salads have High in Fibre and most natural and easy to available at home or in market and also cost-effective as well. Salads have a very good role to prevent disease, also maintain health and makes you younger. 

Benefits of Salads :
  • Fiber helps to reduce LDL or “bad” cholesterol.
  • Improve Vision
  • Improve Skin Condition
  • Maintain Hemoglobin level
  • Reduce Extra Fat
  • Natural reliever of constipation
  • Improve Immunity
  • Improved Digestion
  • Strong Anti-aging role (Longer Lifespan)
  • Improved muscle performance
  • Rich source of Antioxidant
We should Eat daily salads 2 times a day is recommended mostly by dietitian maintain Balance diet and also helps  to reduce weight.

3. Fruit :

Fruit are the the fleshy or dry ripened ovary of a flowering plant, covering the seeds. eg. apples, apricots, bananas, and grapes, lemons, oranges, and strawberries, as well as bean pods, corn grains, tomatoes, cucumbers, and (in their shells) acorns and almonds, are all technically fruits.  However, the fruit term is used mainly to the ripened ovaries that are sweet and or either succulent or pulpy.

Fruits are important sources nutritional value mainly multi vitamins (especially vitamin C), and antioxidants and also dietary fibre. Few important benefits are as per below :

  • Fruits contain fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol and encourage regular bowel movements. eg. Apples, pears, blackberries, and raspberries are high in dietary fiber. High Fibre fruit also helps in reducing extra fat and also helps in constipation.
  • Oranges, lemons, red peppers and strawberries are examples of fruits that contain lots of vitamin C. This helps keep teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin C also supports the immune system.
  • Bananas, guavas, cantaloupe, and mangos are examples of fruits higher in potassium. Potassium can help maintain a healthy blood pressure and regulate fluid balance in the body.
  • Oranges and tropical fruits such as mangos are high in folate. This can help the body produce red blood cells. Folate also supports healthy fetal development. Looking for fruits that are low in sugar? Try these.
  • Black plums, prunes, and all berries are examples of fruits rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants limit the production of free radicals. They can protect your skin and fight off illness.
  • Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke and may protect against certain types of cancers.
  • Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, may also lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.
  • Eating foods such as fruits that are lower in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake and may helps reducing obesity.
4. Beans and Legumes :       
Beans and Legumes

The legume food family consists of plants that produce a pod with seeds inside. The term “legume” is used to describe the seeds of these kind of plants.

Common edible legumes include lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans, soybeans, and peanuts.

The The legume food are different types vary greatly in nutrition, appearance, taste, and use.

Beans are seeds from the Fabaceae family, which are inexpensive, simple to prepare, and healthy in nutritional value. They are an affordable source of protein, fiber, iron, and vitamins that offer many health benefits.

Overall, they are a great way to help to get our body on fiber and plant-based protein.

There are too many types of beans. Dried beans require cooking to make them tender enough to eat. Canned and frozen beans are typically ready to eat after warming on the stove or in the microwave.

Health benefits of Beans and Legumes :

Health benefits of Beans and Legumes
  • Beans and Legumes make an excellent source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Beans and Legumes contain several important nutrients, including folate. Folate is essential for overall health, to make healthy red blood cells, and help prevent neural tube defects in a fetus during pregnancy.
  • Beans and Legumes are rich in polyphenols, which are a type of antioxidant which are fight the effects of free radicals, which are damaging chemicals that the body produces during metabolism and other processes.
  • People who consume Beans and Legumes regularly may be less likely to die of a heart attack or other cardiovascular disease, Beans and Legumes are high in fiber, which can help reducing the risk of Heart disease.
  • Beans and Legumes act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. These effects could reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Beans and Legumes may help stabilize blood glucose levels or even prevent diabetes. Beans are high in fiber, which can help lower blood glucose.
  • Fatty liver disease done when fats accumulate in the liver. It can develop also with  obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other aspects of metabolic syndrome.
  • When a person eats Beans and Legumes, the fiber and healthful starches they contain can help create a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. This will help in maintain and reducing overweight (Obesity).
  • variety of Beans and Legumes, especially black beans, enhance gut health by improving intestinal barrier function and increasing the number of beneficial bacteria. This may help prevent gut-associated diseases.Healthful gut bacteria also support immune system function and may promote weight loss. Beans feed the healthful gut bacteria colonies.
5. Soups :

Vegetable Soup is a great nutritional values and that's why  everyone other meal option with certain types of soup even proven to help support weight loss, advises by nutritionist mostly.

Mainly Vegetable-based soups are a great option nutritionally as they combine a highly require nutrients with a low calories diet – this means that we get lots of important nutrients mainly vitamins and minerals for relatively low calories.

While High calories meals replacing with low calorie options such as vegetable soup on a regular interval is a best way to get important nutritional mainly multi-vitamins in general, specially for those who wanting to reducing a couple of kilos quickly, replacing the evening meal with a vegetable based soup is a best way to do it. 

The low energy diet mainly soup helps to keep your total calorie intake low, while the soup also prevents you from feeling hungry.Naturally, homemade soups are the best option.

Few Important Benefits of Vegetable Soup :

Benefits of soup
Benefits of soup

Vegetable Soup Can Help Lose Weight : Research has found that people who regularly drink soup have lower dietary energy density and better diet quality. The high water and fiber content from vegetables added to soup keep you satiated in a healthy and hydrating way. Have a bowl of soup in the evening, and you will be unlikely to over-eat too many calories at dinner-time.

Power Packed With important Nutrients : Vegetable are high in important nutritional value mainly multi-vitamins and Minerals, this can helps us for overall fitness and also improve immunity.

Naturally Healer : The nutritional value of soup boosts immunity with essential vitamins and minerals and rehydrates your body. It is also easy to digest which makes it perfect for when you have a sore throat or poor appetite. It also helps if you have a nasty cold, the hot vapors warm you up and helps in clearing nasal passages.

Full of healthy fibers: Some soups mainly vegetable and legumes high in fiber such help keep your digestive system healthy and prevent bloating and constipation.

6. Grapefruit :

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit with a flavor-taste that can varies from bittersweet to sour. It contains a range of essential vitamins and minerals. People can consume the fruit whole or as a juice or pulp.

The grapefruit first seen in the 18th century, as a result of crossing a pomelo and an orange. People called it “grapefruit” because it grows in clusters, similar to grapes.

Grapefruit is low in calories but very rich in important nutrients. It is also an best  source of vitamins A and C.

Few Essential Benefits of Grapefruit :
Grapefruit Benefits
  • Weight Loss management : grapefruit is low calories but important bulky fiber foods and fiber have zero calories diet helps in not only in weight loss but also helps in digestion and constipation overall a miracle weight loss fruit.
  • Diabetes : Grapefruit is low on the glycemic index. This means that it gave essential nutrients but does not have a significant negative impact on a person’s blood sugar levels.
  • Stroke : Regular eating more flavonoids may reduce the risk of ischemic stroke among women. Flavonoids are compounds present mainly in citrus fruits eg. oranges and grapefruit.
  • Blood pressure and heart health : The combination of fiber, potassium, lycopene, vitamin C, and choline in grapefruit could all contribute to heart health. The Doctors and Dietician encourage people to increase their dietary intake of potassium and reduce the amount of salt they add to foods. This can help prevent high blood pressure and a range of complications that can result from it.
  • Cancer : Grapefruit is a rich source of antioxidants, such as vitamin C. These can help combat the formation of free radicals, which experts believe give rise to cancer. Antioxidants play key role as a preventive measure.
  • Skin : Vitamin C plays a important role in the formation of collagen, which are the main support system of the skin.
  • Immune function : Vitamin C helps support the immune system in a number of ways. For example, a dietary intake of vitamin C may help prevent and treat respiratory and other infections and improve immunity.
7. Coconut Water :

Coconut water is a delicious, nutritious and natural beverage that’s extremely good for you.

It may too many health benefit like heart, blood sugar, kidney health and many more. In recent years, coconut water has become gradually a more demanding beverage.

Here are few important health benefits of coconut water :
Coconu Water Health Benefits

  • Good Source of Several Nutrients :

As the coconut matures, some of the juice remains in liquid form while the rest ripens into the solid white flesh known as coconut meat.Coconut water forms   naturally in the fruit and have 94% water and very little fat.

One cup (240 ml) have 46 calories, as well as other nutrients are :

  • Carbs : 9 grams
  • Fiber : 3 grams
  • Protein : 2 grams
  • Vitamin C : 10% of the RDI
  • Magnesium : 15% of the RDI
  • Manganese : 17% of the RDI
  • Potassium : 17% of the RDI
  • Sodium : 11% of the RDI
  • Calcium : 6% of the RDI

Antioxidant Properties :

Free radicals are unstable molecules produced in your cells during metabolism. Their production increases in response to stress or injury. Coconut water have  antioxidants which modify free radicals so they no longer cause harm.

Benefits Against Diabetes :

oconut water can lower blood sugar levels and improve other sugar level in diabetic patient, It’s also a good source of magnesium, which may increase insulin sensitivity and decrease reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Prevent Kidney Stones :

Drinking enough fluids is important for kidney stone prevention.

Although plain water is a great choice, one study suggests that coconut water may be even better. coconut water prevented crystals from sticking to the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract. It also reduced the number of crystals formed in the urine

Support Heart Health :

Drinking coconut water at regular intervals may be helpful to reduce heart disease risk by it's powerful cholesterol-lowering properties.

Reduce Blood Pressure :

Coconut water may help lower blood pressure by decrease the risk of blood clots forming in your arteries.

Beneficial After Prolonged Exercise :

Coconut water may be the perfect beverage for restoring hydration and replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise.Electrolytes are minerals that play several important roles in your body, including maintaining proper fluid balance, these are potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium.

Helps in reducing Weight loss :

Coconut water also fairly low in calories and carbs, Coconut water can be consumed directly from green coconuts or bought in bottles. Avoid brands with added sugar, sweeteners or flavors.

8. Pumpkin :

Pumpkin is a type of winter squash that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, While commonly viewed as a vegetable, pumpkin is scientifically a fruit, as it contains seeds.

Pumpkin is a plump, nutritious orange vegetable, and a highly nutrient dense food. It is low in calories but rich in vitamins and minerals, Beyond its delicious taste, pumpkin is nutritious and linked to many health benefits.

Pumpkin is very versatile and easy to add to your foods in both sweet and savory dishes.

Here we are listed few important nutrition and health benefits of pumpkin.
Pumpkin Health Benefits

Highly Nutritious and Particularly Rich in Vitamin A :

Pumpkin has a highly nutrient foods.

Calories : 49 :
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Carbs: 12 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Vitamin A: 245% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Vitamin C: 19% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 16% of the RDI
  • Copper: 11% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 11% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B2: 11% of the RDI
  • Vitamin E: 10% of the RDI
  • Iron: 8% of the RDI
also magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, folate and several B vitamins.

Pumpkin is also relatively low in calories, as it’s 94% water and high in fiber.
It’s also very high in beta-carotene, a carotenoid that your body turns into vitamin A.

Helps in Weight Loss :

Pumpkin is rich in fiber, which slows digestion. "Pumpkin keeps you feeling fuller longer,pumpkin is nearly 94 percent water, so besides the fact that it helps keep you hydrated, it has fewer than 50 calories per serving,"

High Antioxidant Content May Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Diseases :

Free radicals are molecules produced by your body’s during metabolic process. Though highly unstable, they have useful roles, such as destroying harmful bacteria.

excessive free radicals in your body create a state called oxidative stress, which has been linked to chronic illnesses, including heart disease and cancer, Pumpkins have antioxidants, eg. alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. These can neutralize free radicals, stopping them from damaging your cells.

Immunity Booster :

Pumpkin is loaded with nutrients that can boost your immune system.

For one, it’s high in beta-carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A.

Studies show that vitamin A can strengthen your immune system and help fight infections. Conversely, people with a vitamin A deficiency can have a weaker immune system.

Pumpkin is also high in vitamin C, which has been shown to increase white blood cell production, help immune cells work more effectively and make wounds heal faster. 

Pumpkin is also a good source of  vitamin E, iron and folate , all of which have been shown to improve the immune system as well.

Vitamin A, Lutein and Zeaxanthin May Protect Your Eyesight :

In today's modern era high usage smartphone/tablet/tv may affect vision of eye. It also affect with diminish eyesight with age.

Eating the right Foods-nutrients can lower your risk of sight loss. Pumpkin is plentiful in nutrients that have been linked to strong eyesight as your body ages.

Pumpkin beta-carotene content provides your body with necessary vitamin A. people with higher intakes of beta-carotene had a significantly lower risk of cataracts, a common cause of blindness.

Pumpkin is also one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, two compounds linked to lower risks of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.

Lower Your Risk of Cancer :

Cancer is a serious illness in which cells grow abnormally.Cancer cells produce free radicals to help them multiply rapidly.

Pumpkin is high in carotenoids, which are compounds that can function as antioxidants. This allows them to neutralize free radicals, which may protect against certain cancers.

Potassium, Vitamin C and Fiber May Benefit Heart Health :

Pumpkin high in potassium, vitamin C and fiber, which have also helps in improving  heart benefits.It's is also high in antioxidants, which may protect “bad” LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. When LDL cholesterol particles oxidize, they can clump along the walls of blood vessels, which can restrict your vessels and raise your risk of heart disease.

Promote Healthy Skin :

Pumpkins are highly nutritious foods that are really important for your skin. it’s high in carotenoids like beta-carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A. They help protect skin cells against damage from harmful UV rays from sunlight.

Pumpkin is also high in vitamin C, which is essential for healthy skin. these are useful to make collagen, a protein that keeps your skin strong and healthy.

9.Green Peas :

Peas are in the group of foods known as legumes. Legumes are plants that produce pods with seeds, or beans, inside.

Green peas are a popular vegetable. They are also quite nutritious and contain a fair amount of fiber , rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin K, C and folate. It is also rich in manganese.

Additionally, they may help protect against some chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

Few Important Health Benefits of Green Peas are as Following :
Green Peas Health Benefits

Natural Weight Loss Foods :

Peas are low in fat and also immensely low on calories counts as compared to other heavier legumes like beans and cowpeas. 100 grams of peas contains only 81 calories. 

Peas also have high content of fibre too plays its role in weight reduction. Fibre helps induce the feeling of fullness which keeps you from bingeing into other foods.

Good for heart health/ Blood Sugar Control/ Controlling Blood Pressure :

The insoluble fibre content present in peas helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Apart from this, peas also help in ensuring stable blood sugar regulation in the body and also indirects helps in maintaintaining Blood pressure.

Good for eye health :

Peas can also improve vision. Peas are packed with carotenoid pigment lutein. Lutein is known to reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration or loss of vision in old age. That's Peas can also improve eyesight.

Improve Digestion and Constipation :

Peas can do good job for your digestion. The high fibre content present in pods helps in maintaining good digestive health. Fibre adds bulk to the stool, thereby enhancing smoother bowel regularity, That's why Dietician recommends Green  Peas on Constipation too.

Good Source of Iron :

Peas are a  good source of iron. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anaemia. If you don't have enough iron, your body can't make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells thereby causing haemoglobin deficiency.  Iron helps combat fatigue and gives you strength.

10. Blueberries / Raspberries :

Blueberries / Raspberries are among the healthiest foods you can eat.
They’re delicious, nutritious, and provide a number of important health benefits.

Few Best Benefits of Blueberries / Raspberries are as per following : 
Berries Health Benefits

Blueberries / Raspberries May Help You Maintain or Lose Weight :

Because of their fiber and liquid content, berries give us a sense of fullness, Both Berries are low in calories, too, making them a diet-friendly choice. Even if you’re on a very low-carbohydrate diet, like the ketogenic diet, you may be able to include fruits like berries in small amounts. For example, 10 raspberries have 2.3 g of carbs and 1.2 g of fiber.

Lower Blood Pressure :

Berries can improve blood vessel function, eating just over 1 cup of wild blueberries/Raspberries every day for a month improved blood vessel dilation, in turn lowering systolic blood pressure.

Help / Prevent Parkinson's Disease :

Blueberries / Raspberries have Flavonoid Content which is helps in prevention of Parkinson's Disease, reduced their risk by  nearly 40 percent.

Keep You Mentally Sharp :

Compounds called anthocyanidins, found almost exclusively in berries, are known to cross the blood-brain barrier and locate in learning and memory centers in the brain.

They slow down the aging process :

Oxidative stress is the root cause of accelerated aging and nearly every health issue. oxidative stress is the causative factor in the pathogenesis of many major diseases eg. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cancer, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, muscular degeneration and others. 

So, the key to preventing pre-mature aging and the development of chronic health problems is to limit oxidative stress in the body. And, the way to do that is by add  antioxidants food in diet.

Most important antioxidants in berries are a class of polyphenols known as anthocyanins. Berry anthocyanins strongly combat oxidative stress. 

The high vitamin C also in berries help keep collage building underneath the skin so the skin stays firm, toned, elastic-like, younger looking, and younger feeling. Simply regular eating berries can help prevent wrinkles and excessive aging of the skin!

Other Weight loss related tips :

Top 10 tips for weight loss

Top 10 Best Exercise for Weight Loss

1 comment:

  1. Really informative article , i surely this foods on my Diet plan, we request you to write other weight loss related tips and suggestion!


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